I think that my favorite album is E. Von Dahl killed The Locals, mostly because I am ALWAYS in the mood to listen to it. No matter what mood, place, or time, there is a song on that album to fit me.
Favorite Songs:
E. Von Dahl- Audio Blood (I sing a pretty good rendition of it, so I think that I enjoy both the song and singing it)
Decomposer- Probably Drive, I just love the lyrics,
“What we know about sex
learned from alcohol
What we know about sex
learned from bathroom walls
We know about love
what little we know about love
what we know ‘bout love
what little we know about love
stole from rock and roll”
and of course I love the iconic lyric from Little Maggots, “May your organs fail before your dreams fail you”.
A Band in Hope- 24C is amazing, but I also love clouds crash and darkness rising.
I just love The Matches so much, this was so hard!
So what about you?